Monday, November 21, 2016

6 important things you need to know when travelling in Asia

The diversity of cultures, languages, laws and customs of different countries makes it a bit difficult to travel in different continents and countries within it. But, if you learn some info about the place you want to travel through and take some precautions, it gets much easier to have a great trip to any place of the world. So, we are presenting you the 6 most important things that you should and must know before you travel in Asia.

Spoken Language

Language is the greatest problem that travelers ever face in a foreign land. Let’s take examples of few countries and cities in Asia.
·         Singapore is a country where English is widely used. So, it won’t be difficult for you to communicate with the locals while you are in there. Sometimes, if you find that the locals are not understanding you; just talk a bit slower, but a bit loud. People there simply talk in English, Malay, Hokkian, Mandarin and some other languages. So, if you think you want to learn another language to communicate better, Malay is your best shot.

·         Now, let’s talk about Japan. English doesn’t work much better in Japan, as the Japanese seldom talks in English. So, if you are in Japan, you need to learn Japanese a bit to communicate with the locals. While talking with the locals in English, talk slowly and use body language in a polite manner, also try to use some Japanese in your English.

·         You know, even people in a country talks in different languages based on their cities. For example- in Malaysia, English is widely used in its national capital city, Kuala Lumpur. But, in the state of Johor in Malaysia, you will hardly find any people who can talk in English. So, in that case, learning Malay language a bit is only the best way to travel independently in Malaysia.

Portable Water

Portable drinking water is another big issue which can make you suffer a lot while traveling. So, you should learn about which water is safe to drink in which country, before you pack your bag for a tour.
·         In Singapore, even the tap water is as safe as the boiled water. But, in case of doubt, you can boil it if you wish. The quality of the tap water of Singapore complies with the standard of WHO. It also tastes as good as the mineral water.
·         In Japan, the situation is almost as same as the one in Singapore. The tap water quality is pretty high and there is no detrimental substance in the water which can harm your body. But, never drink the water from the sink in the toilet.
·         Now, let’s talk about some underdeveloped countries in Asia, like- Cambodia or Nepal, etc. But, it’s better not to drink the tap water as the taste is not so good. But, you can use the tap water to brush your teeth or wash your face. In restaurants, the safe bottled mineral water is available to purchase. The situation is almost same in Nepal and all other underdeveloped countries in Asia.
·         Let us alarm you, when you travel in the Philippines, never drink the tap water. Thousands of people in Philippines die every year by drinking the contaminated water in the Philippines. Better buy the 5 liters’ mineral water bottle in cost of 150 PESOS.


Tipping culture also varies from one country to another. Better you know, than facing an embarrassing situation.
·         Tipping is considered as an “offensive and rude gesture” in Japan. There nobody gives tips and nobody expects as well. So, if you tip someone there either he is a waiter or taxi-driver, there is a 100% possibility that he will give you the tip-money back. It’s treated like a ‘bribe’ to them. So, better be polite and express your satisfaction, just by thanking the waiter or taxi driver. But, if you really want them to tip, don’t offer the money directly from your pocket. Just put the money in an envelope and then give it to them.

·         In Vietnam, people rarely give or receive tips, but it’s highly appreciated there. So, if the service exceeds your expectation, don’t hesitate to tip in Vietnam. Usually the bar staffs are paid very little by their employer in here. So, if you tip them, they will be highly grateful to you. The trend of tipping is quite common in the spa and massage parlors in Vietnam.


You will face different and somewhat, weird laws in some countries in Asia. Let’s take a look.
·         Smoking is prohibited in most of the public places in Singapore. But, you can smoke cigarettes in your home or hotel room.
·         Drugs are also prohibited in Singapore. The police in Singapore conducts random drug test on both visiting foreigners and locals.  So, better to avoid drugs, even before entering into the country.
·         You may have to spend 3 months in the Singaporean jail, if you recite, utter or sing any ballad or obscene song in the public place.
·         According to Singaporean cyber security act, you can’t connect to other people’s WiFi and if you do, you may end up in 3 years imprisonment or $10,000 fine.
·         Stay away from pigeons in Singapore, as if you feed them, you have to cost $500 as a fine.
·         Homosexuality is also prohibited in Singapore.
·         In Singapore, always flush the toilet after using it or have to pay a fine of $150.
·         Don’t spit in a public place in Singapore, or you have to pay $1000. Here, walking naked around your house will cause you $1,000 fine and littering will cost you $300. Also, remember, selling chewing gum is prohibited here.
·         In Thailand, criticizing, defaming, threatening or insulting the king, queen or any other heir-apparent or regent or their photos are strictly prohibited and can cause you 15 years imprisonment.

Food Hygiene

Food hygiene is another vital issue which can trouble you a lot while travelling. You may end up to a hospital during your tour due to taking unhygienic foods from some cheap restaurants or street hawker stalls. So, better to have some knowledge about where and how to find safe and hygienic foods while traveling in Asia.
·         Restaurants in Singapore are generally neat and clean. But, better to notice the queue of locals as it reveals which restaurants are better. Also, don’t eat the pre-prepared foods with flying flies. Try to eat hot and “just now” cooked foods. In case of the street hawkers, you will find a lot of neat and clean hawkers with high food hygiene. But, better to leave the stall, if you doubt about their cleanliness. Most of the restaurants and street hawkers in Singapore follow the standard hygiene procedures. So, the food is quite safe and delicious as well.
·         In Bangkok, it’s also very easy to find a clean and fly-free restaurant or street hawker stall. But, it’s better to check the cleanliness of the stall before you eat any food from there. Tell the vendor to provide you washed bowls and other utensils. It will save you from having any health issue due to having the food.


Toilet cleanliness and toilet types can make you fall in an irritating and disgusting situation when you are out of your own country. Most of the American and European people are accustomed to use modern toilets. But, in Asia, squat toilet is the most common type of toilet that’s available all around. So, you should learn a bit about the cleanliness and pattern of toilets in Asia, if you have decided to travel through it. 
·         The Japanese are quite concerned about hygiene and cleanliness. So, you can’t enter into a home wearing your shoes and you must have to use the toilet slippers in the toilets. Sometimes, you may not find any toilet paper in the toilet, as they don’t usually stock toilet paper. But, the facilities and hygiene of the public lavatories are very impressive. From music to heating- everything is available there. Most of the Japanese public toilets are typical Asian squat toilets and so, you can’t sit on them directly. But, you will find the modern toilets with sophisticated electronic devices in hotels, motels, houses and restaurants.  
·         There are more than 30,000 public restrooms in Singapore and most of them are at least "three-star" clean.
·         In Vietnam, squat toilets can only be seen in the public places. You have to carry your own toilet tissues, as you may not get those there. On the other hand, the toilets in the tourist spot, hotels, and restaurants are normally clean and well-maintained.  

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